Artificial Grass and Shock Pads: FAQs for Parents

Artificial Grass Shock Pads Essential Safety FAQs for Parents - FieldTurfLandScape 1
Playground turf for backyard spaces is fantastic for kids – it's soft, always green, and doesn't get muddy!  However, if you're thinking of having artificial grass installed for your family, you may have heard about shock pads and wondering if it may be right for you. We answer some common questions below. What Are Shock Pads? Think of shock pads like soft cushions underneath your artificial grass– that’s why they’re also called foam padding. They're typically made of closed-cell foam or rubber. Closed-cell foam means the material has lots of tiny air bubbles trapped inside, which is what makes it...

Can You Just Lay Artificial Turf on Top of Soil?

Why You Shouldn't Install Artificial Grass Directly on Soil - fieldturf 1
No, you shouldn’t lay artificial turf directly on top of soil. This “shortcut” can and will lead to serious issues down the line, such as: Uneven Surface Issues If your soil has an uneven surface, this can quickly be reflected in lumps, bumps, and irregular textures for even the finest artificial grass products. Without properly leveling the surface first, any inconsistencies in the soil will remain visible.  Poor Drainage High-quality residential artificial grass is permeable, allowing water, air, and tiny particles to pass through. However, if you simply lay turf over dense soil, this can prevent rainwater and melting snow...

Why Poor-Quality Artificial Grass Looks Fake

Why Does Low-Quality Turf Look Fake - ftl 5
Here at FieldTurf, we've spent years obsessing over what makes real grass look good - how the blades catch the light, the mix of textures, the little inconsistencies. We try hard to replicate those organic details in our artificial grass products, which you can see for yourself when you take a virtual tour of our Calhoun plant. Without those details, it's difficult to create residential artificial turf that looks remotely close to the real thing. We recently discussed how to spot low-quality turf, and today, we want to dive deeper into why such products look so fake in the first...

6 Best Places to Install Artificial Grass at Your Home

Enhancing Your Home with 6 Perfect Spots for Artificial Grass - FT 4
Everyone loves a well-manicured lawn, but maintaining one can be arduous, time-consuming and expensive. This is where artificial grass comes in. High-quality artificial grass enables you to create aesthetically appealing outdoor spaces without the burden of upkeep. But where are the best places to install artificial grass at your home? Here’s a look at six ideal locations: Renovate Your Rooftop Oasis Transform your flat roof or rooftop balcony into a vibrant, lush oasis with artificial grass. Installing artificial turf on rooftops creates a safe, comfortable environment perfect for sunbathing, barbecues, or just watching the sunset. It’s an incredible way to...

Pest-Free Playgrounds: 11 Critters Artificial Turf for Landscaping Deters

11 Playground Pests Artificial Turf for Landscaping Deters - FieldTurfLandScape 2-min
Hearing laughter and seeing joy on a child's face is priceless while they enjoy playground time. But, lurking in the grass could be pests that pose harm to precious playtime. The following pests love the warmth, protection and possible food sources that playgrounds with natural grass offer. Let’s look into how transitioning to artificial turf for landscaping can keep them at bay: 1. Ants Ants are small creatures, but their effect can be significantly felt, especially by little feet that may disturb an anthill.  Species such as fire ants or pavement ants are common disruptors. Their bites are painful, can...

The Grass Is Always Greener: Artificial Turf Explained

Artificial Turf Explained
There’s a reason people once associated artificial grass with sports. The product was in fact created for that purpose. But over the years, turf technology has advanced drastically.  As a result, artificial turf comes in many shapes and sizes, and can be used for just about any application, from commercial landscapes to residential backyards, putting greens, pool areas and pet surfaces. Modern synthetic grass looks so natural that you may have not noticed but it’s likely all around you.  Read on to learn more about how artificial lawns have grown into the product we know and love today. The Playing...

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