Category: BACKYARD

Playground Turf Padding for Safer Artificial Grass Play Areas

All About Playground Turf Padding for Artificial Grass - fieldturf landscape 3
As parents and artificial grass experts, we at FieldTurf Landscape know that creating safe play spaces for kids is a top priority. That's where playground turf padding comes in – it's the secret ingredient that turns a good play area into a safer one.   What Exactly Is Playground Turf Padding? Think of playground turf padding as a shock-absorbing layer that sits right under your artificial grass. It's like the suspension system in a car – you don't see it, but you'd definitely notice if it wasn't there.  This padding is typically made from materials like foam or rubber, specially...

Installing Artificial Turf on Dirt: What You Need to Know

Can You Install Artificial Grass on Dirt - fieldturf landscape 1
Ever looked at your dusty, patchy dirt yard and dreamed of a lush, green lawn? You're not alone. Many homeowners are turning to artificial grass as a solution, but often wonder: "Can you really install artificial grass on dirt?" The short answer is yes, but the long answer is a little more complicated than that.   Why Artificial Grass Is a Game-Changer for Dirt Yards Before we get our hands dirty with the how-to, let's talk about why artificial grass is such a smart choice for dirt yards. 1. Instant Transformation: Say goodbye to that dustbowl and hello to year-round...

4 Common Myths About Artificial Grass Safety for Kids

How Safe is Artificial Grass for Children - fieldturf 3
Many of us here at FieldTurf Landscape are parents like you and nothing is more important to us than our children's safety and well-being. So, when it comes to our backyards, we want to make the best choices to create a safe environment for play.  While natural grass is a traditional option, more and more families are upgrading their yard with artificial grass. However, there are still tons of misconceptions out there about artificial turf. We’re setting the record straight about four of the most common ones. Myth 1: Artificial Grass Gets Too Hot for Safe Play One concern parents...

Managing Allergies With Artificial Grass: Tips and Advice

How Artificial Turf Can Provide Long-Term Allergy Relief - fieldturf 2
Springtime brings blooming flowers, warmer weather, and, for many people, the return of seasonal allergies. Runny noses, itchy eyes, and sneezing fits are an annual occurrence thanks to pollen from grass, trees, and weeds. And if you have it bad enough, you might be struggling with these symptoms all year long. Replacing your lawn with artificial turf could provide significant relief.  How Artificial Grass Helps Alleviate Allergies Unlike natural grass that releases pollen, artificial turf is inherently hypoallergenic. The synthetic blades don't produce any allergy-triggering pollen, so you can be in your yard without itchy eyes and congestion. Key advantages for...

7 Curb Appeal Design Ideas for Artificial Front Lawns

From geometric patterns to topiaries, there are countless ways to style your front yard with artificial grass.
Is your front lawn looking a little lackluster? Want to boost your home's curb appeal without spending countless hours maintaining your yard? It might be time for you to go faux. As artificial grass installers, we've witnessed the incredible transformations that happen when homeowners switch to this low-maintenance, high-impact landscaping solution. Here are some design ideas to help you visualize your own front lawn transformation: 1. Geometric Patterns Create a striking, modern look by incorporating geometric patterns into your artificial grass installation. Consider using different turf colors or blade heights to create shapes like circles, squares, or diamonds. This unique...

3 Stunning Artificial Grass Front Yard Ideas (Includes Design Tips!)

Artificial Grass Design Inspo for a Front Yard That Pops - FieldTurfLandscape 2
Synthetic turf offers a beautiful blank canvas for landscaping. It’s much more versatile than natural grass since you don’t have to worry about keeping it alive around your designs. It’s also a wonderful way to add green to any part of your home. Below, we list some of the year's favorite artificial grass front yard ideas, from live plants to xeriscapes.  Tip If you try any of these designs and realize you don’t like it, a lawn makeover is a breeze with synthetic grass. 1. Front Lawn Planter Boxes Planter boxes beautifully complement artificial grass for yards, breaking up the...

Artificial Grass Buyer’s Guide: Understanding the Technical Jargon

7 Artificial Grass Terms Explained - fieldturf 3
Artificial grass has become incredibly popular as a low-maintenance, year-round green solution for lawns, landscaping, and even sports fields. But when shopping for artificial turf yard products, you'll likely encounter technical terms that sound more like a foreign language than a backyard upgrade. We love sharing what we know here at FieldTurf Landscape, so today, we’re explaining some of the most common turf terms you’ll encounter during this process. Why the Jargon Matters Understanding these terms allows you to: • Compare Products: Technical specifications help you compare different artificial turf options side by side. • Match Turf to Your Needs:...

What Happens When Artificial Grass Gets Wet?

Understanding the Wet Performance of Artificial Grass - fieldturf 5
Water Resistance and Drainage For FieldTurf Landscape artificial grass for yards, we use advanced materials like polyethylene or polypropylene, which are resistant to moisture. The roots of artificial grass are typically a perforated backing that allows rainwater to drain away from the surface into an aggregate subsurface base below. In turn, this base is made up of small stones that further facilitate drainage so water does not pool on or beneath your faux grass. As a result, artificial lawns drain significantly faster than natural grass and dry within a few hours after rainfall. Excessive moisture is detrimental to real lawns,...

Keeping Your Family Safe with Artificial Grass Infill

Artificial Grass Infill Safety for Kids and Pets-ftl 2
As you consider playground turf installation for your home, you may be wondering about the small granules that make up the base layer, known as infill. What exactly is infill, and is it safe for kids? These are important questions when choosing the right artificial grass products for your home. As a caring parent, you want to make sure your outdoor spaces are fun for playtime, yet free of hazards.  In a nutshell, infill plays a critical role in making modern artificial grass safe, soft, and realistic. Let's go over it below. What Is Infill and Why Do We Use...

Building Stunning Waterless Landscapes with Artificial Turf for Backyard

Creating No-Water Gardens with Artificial Grass Landscaping
As climate change leads to hotter, drier summers, more homeowners are seeking sustainable landscapes that conserve water. You may be considering replacing your thirsty grass lawn, but have hesitations about giving up green space. What if you could have a lush, beautiful yard that requires no irrigation at all? Artificial turf for backyard landscaping opens up exciting possibilities for waterless landscaping. With synthetic turf, you can create inviting spaces for relaxation, play, pets, and more. All without watering or mowing ever again!  And when thoughtfully arranged with rocks, drought-tolerant plants, hardscapes, and other creative touches, these low-maintenance lawns foster unique...

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