Month: August 2022

The Water Bans Continue

sunshine creating lens flare through a wooden picket fence in a front yard, front garden with artifical grass as a lawn and a red brick perimeter wall.
The water bans continue... and state regulators are getting serious. Today, due to the severe drought, many states will consider $500 fines for anyone who is wasting water on landscapes, fountains, washing vehicles, and other non-essential outdoor uses. Fines could be based on a sliding scale. They will start with a warning for the first offense. The San Diego State Water Resources Control board, among others, has reported support for the programs like this. "So far, people have been pretty supportive," board Chairwoman Felicia Marcus said. "I think people recognize that we're taking a moderate approach and sending a message...

5 reasons why Dog Owners Love FieldTurf Landscape

Girls sitting on turf next to their dog
You love your dog, and you love your lawn. But one of them can cause considerable damage to the other. Some dogs like to dig holes in the grass, while others leave urine spots that look similar to fertilizer burn. Many dogs also wind up traipsing mud and dirt into the home. None of that happens with an artificial grass yard. Artificial turf is built for durability and longevity regardless of whether people or pets are playing on it. Dog owners love artificial grass as much as their dogs do. Here are five reasons why they find it so appealing:...

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