Artificial Turf and Flooding: Busting Myths About Drainage

Artificial Turf, Drainage, and Flooding Myths Debunked - fieldturf landscape 5
Worried that artificial turf might turn your yard into a swampy mess during heavy rains? Let's put those fears to rest. As experts in artificial grass installation, we've heard all the concerns about flooding and drainage. Today, we're diving deep into how our turf systems actually improve water management in your yard.   Debunking the Waterlogged Myths First things first: artificial turf doesn't cause flooding. In fact, it's designed to handle water better than natural grass in many ways. Here's why: 1. No soil compaction issues 2. Consistent drainage across the entire surface 3. No bare or muddy patches that...

Playground Turf Padding for Safer Artificial Grass Play Areas

All About Playground Turf Padding for Artificial Grass - fieldturf landscape 3
As parents and artificial grass experts, we at FieldTurf Landscape know that creating safe play spaces for kids is a top priority. That's where playground turf padding comes in – it's the secret ingredient that turns a good play area into a safer one.   What Exactly Is Playground Turf Padding? Think of playground turf padding as a shock-absorbing layer that sits right under your artificial grass. It's like the suspension system in a car – you don't see it, but you'd definitely notice if it wasn't there.  This padding is typically made from materials like foam or rubber, specially...

Installing Artificial Turf on Dirt: What You Need to Know

Can You Install Artificial Grass on Dirt - fieldturf landscape 1
Ever looked at your dusty, patchy dirt yard and dreamed of a lush, green lawn? You're not alone. Many homeowners are turning to artificial grass as a solution, but often wonder: "Can you really install artificial grass on dirt?" The short answer is yes, but the long answer is a little more complicated than that.   Why Artificial Grass Is a Game-Changer for Dirt Yards Before we get our hands dirty with the how-to, let's talk about why artificial grass is such a smart choice for dirt yards. 1. Instant Transformation: Say goodbye to that dustbowl and hello to year-round...

How to Get Your Dog Used to Artificial Grass

Training Your Dog to Enjoy Artificial Grass - fieldturf 4
If you're considering making the switch from natural grass to artificial turf, you might be wondering how your four-legged friend will handle the change. Will they miss the feel of real grass under their paws? How do you help them adjust to their new potty spot? At FieldTurf Landscape, we've installed countless artificial lawns for dog owners just like you. And we've picked up a few tricks along the way to make the transition as smooth as possible for your furry family member– check out our best tips: Why Make the Switch to Artificial Grass? Before we get into the...

4 Common Myths About Artificial Grass Safety for Kids

How Safe is Artificial Grass for Children - fieldturf 3
Many of us here at FieldTurf Landscape are parents like you and nothing is more important to us than our children's safety and well-being. So, when it comes to our backyards, we want to make the best choices to create a safe environment for play.  While natural grass is a traditional option, more and more families are upgrading their yard with artificial grass. However, there are still tons of misconceptions out there about artificial turf. We’re setting the record straight about four of the most common ones. Myth 1: Artificial Grass Gets Too Hot for Safe Play One concern parents...

FieldTurf for Home Installation: DIY Design Phase Blueprint 

Maximizing Home Appeal with Smart Synthetic Lawn Planning - FieldTurfLandscape 3
Installing FieldTurf artificial grass for homes is a smart way to upgrade your outdoor space. While it’s possible to achieve a flawless DIY installation, getting the design right is a huge part of the process.  It sets the stage for a smooth installation and helps ensure your artificial lawn looks amazing and functions perfectly for years to come. Let’s get you started with this quick guide to planning your synthetic turf installation. Why You Should Take Your Time with Artificial Grass Design Think of the design phase as the blueprint that guides your entire project. A well-thought-out design ensures that...

Artificial Grass Benefits: Beyond Just Looking Good

6 Artificial Grass Benefits You May Not Know - fieldturf 4
Residential artificial grass has come a long way since those scratchy, plastic-like carpets of the past. The best turf products today look so natural it’s hard to tell them apart from the real thing. And when it comes to maintenance, durability, and safety, artificial grass trumps real grass in almost every way.  Still, modern artificial grass offers way more than a beautiful, stress-free lawn experience. Here are some features you may not expect from synthetic turf: 1. Advanced Artificial Turf Blade Design The blades of FieldTurf Landscape products come in various shapes, such as flat, v-shaped, w-shaped, and u-shaped. This...

How Artificial Grass Can Help Save You Money

How You Can Save Time and Money with Artificial Grass - FieldTurfLandScape 5
For many homeowners, the lush green appeal of a perfect lawn comes at a price. The time, sweat, and money poured into maintaining a natural grass landscape can add up quickly.  While artificial turf may seem like a pricier upfront investment, its long-term financial benefits paint a different picture. Slashing the Water Bill Natural lawns are notorious water guzzlers. Depending on your climate and lawn size, you could be spending hundreds of dollars annually keeping your grass green. Residential artificial turf eliminates this expense entirely. No more sprinklers, hoses, or battling drought restrictions –  it thrives without a single drop....

How Long Does Artificial Grass Last?

artificial grass worth
Generally, you can expect an impressive lifespan from top-quality artificial grass. For instance, FieldTurf Landscape artificial grass for backyard use can last anywhere from 8-10 years and longer. It’s common for our installations to still be in amazing shape after over a decade.This extended life expectancy makes artificial grass a smart investment, especially when compared to the ongoing costs and hassle of maintaining a natural lawn. With that said, several factors come together to create an artificial grass installation that stays beautiful, functional, and safe for years to come. Fiber Quality Matters Premium fake grass for backyard utilizes robust fibers,...

Artificial Grass and Shock Pads: FAQs for Parents

Artificial Grass Shock Pads Essential Safety FAQs for Parents - FieldTurfLandScape 1
Playground turf for backyard spaces is fantastic for kids – it's soft, always green, and doesn't get muddy!  However, if you're thinking of having artificial grass installed for your family, you may have heard about shock pads and wondering if it may be right for you. We answer some common questions below. What Are Shock Pads? Think of shock pads like soft cushions underneath your artificial grass– that’s why they’re also called foam padding. They're typically made of closed-cell foam or rubber. Closed-cell foam means the material has lots of tiny air bubbles trapped inside, which is what makes it...

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