Artificial Turf: A Water-Saving Solution for Homeowners

Artificial Turf: A Water-Saving Solution for Homeowners
As concerns about water scarcity and conservation continue to grow, many homeowners are turning to artificial turf as a solution to saving water. In this blog, we'll explore how artificial turf can save water in residential settings and provide some statistics and references from 2020 and newer to support our claims. First, it's important to understand how much water is typically used on natural grass lawns. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a typical household in the United States uses about 320 gallons of water per day, with up to 70% of that water used outdoors for activities such...

The Water Bans Continue

sunshine creating lens flare through a wooden picket fence in a front yard, front garden with artifical grass as a lawn and a red brick perimeter wall.
The water bans continue... and state regulators are getting serious. Today, due to the severe drought, many states will consider $500 fines for anyone who is wasting water on landscapes, fountains, washing vehicles, and other non-essential outdoor uses. Fines could be based on a sliding scale. They will start with a warning for the first offense. The San Diego State Water Resources Control board, among others, has reported support for the programs like this. "So far, people have been pretty supportive," board Chairwoman Felicia Marcus said. "I think people recognize that we're taking a moderate approach and sending a message...

The Environmental Benefits of Artificial Turf

Close up look at an artificial grass home lawn
There are many environmental benefits of artificial turf. We all know that it reduces the cost of home landscape maintenance, but did you know that it also benefits our environment? Let’s examine a few of the reasons: Conserving water Even though the drought has been drastically reduced, we should still keep conservation in our minds. Based on recent EPA water usage statistics, most American families use around 320 gallons of water per day. Approximately 30 percent of that amount is allocated for outdoor use. Most of this is used to water lawns and other gardening applications. At a national level,...

10 Tips to Create an Environmentally Friendly Landscape

Tips to create an environment friendly artificial lawn
Environmentally-friendly landscaping is easy to achieve, more than you might think! However, one pain point for homeowners who live in hot, dry climates is the landscaping required to maintain natural grass and shrubbery. Grass and other greenery require large amounts of water and maintenance, which can be wasteful in these arid environments. Keep reading for 10 tips to help you create an eco-friendly landscape design: 1. Reduce Lawn Size The most efficient way to reduce the amount of water you need for landscaping is to reduce the size of your lawn.  Plant large flower beds at the corners and edges...

Why Pesticides Are Hazardous To The Environment – And Artificial Turf is The Solution

Pesticides Are Hazardous To The Environment - And Artificial Turf is The Solution
While it's easy to forget about the harmful effects of pesticides and herbicides, these chemicals have potentially negative consequences not just for your yard but for the environment as well.  Pesticide Problems Explained Pesticides are, in general terms, a spray chemical that aids in the management of pests and parasites. Pesticides are also widely used in the agriculture industry by farmers and corporations alike to help yield better crops, improve food quality, and help reduce the spread of disease. Here’s the rub - you likely are not a farmer, and your grass likely does not need that level of pest...

How Artificial Grass Helps Manage Allergies

Artificial grass helps reducing allergies
Seasonal allergies are incredibly common and incredibly irritating! Natural sod grass is among the most common allergens and does not discriminate as far as age or species.  Instead of choosing to live in an isolated bubble, homeowners all over have decided to take advantage of artificial grass. Before we delve into how synthetic turf provides allergy relief, let's explore the dangers of this health condition.  How Can Natural Lawns Trigger Allergies? Natural grass can cause problems for people with pollen and mold allergies.  Pollen Allergies Grasses produce flowers that release pollen grains into the air during warmer months. Pollen is...

10 Ways to Reduce Your Water Bill at Home

How to Reduce your water Bill
Whether you live in a region with regular water use restrictions or not, any homeowner will benefit from creative water conservation techniques. We all need to do our part in trying to conserve water. Not only will it benefit the environment, but it could benefit your pocketbook too!  Continue reading for 10 easy tips to conserve and reduce water usage, no matter where you live! 1. Optimize Your Appliance Usage One of the easiest ways to conserve water is through chores like doing laundry and running your dishwasher.  For example, you’re using the same amount of energy and water no...

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