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Are You Accidentally Poisoning Your Dog

May 16, 2022
Would you leave dangerous chemicals where children could reach them? Of course not! But many homeowners, not realizing that fertilizers, herbicides, weed-killers, and other yard...
English bulldog running on artificial turf

Would you leave dangerous chemicals where children could reach them?

English bulldog running on artificial turf

Of course not! But many homeowners, not realizing that fertilizers, herbicides, weed-killers, and other yard care chemicals can be poisonous, store them casually where their dog might easily “sample” them. Ingesting these chemicals can cause immediate illness and negative symptoms, and may even cause death – so locking them away is a responsible action. New research, however, proves that dog owners should also be cautious about herbicides already dispersed on their lawns and public dog play areas. Dogs have more exposure to these chemicals than humans because they have considerably more direct ground contact with their paws and use their mouths and noses to explore and then clean themselves.

Researchers from the University of North Carolina and Purdue University collected and analyzed data to effectively show the negative impact of lawn chemicals on pets’ health. The scientists applied herbicides on lawns in different conditions — such as wet, dry, and freshly mowed. They were able to detect the chemicals 48 hours after application, and significantly longer in certain conditions.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, exposure to 2,4-D (2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), a common household herbicide, can lead to blood, liver, and kidney toxicity. Furthermore, dogs exposed to weed killer 2,4-D are dying of cancer at two times the average rate, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Pet owners can eliminate these dangerous chemicals and keep their dogs safe with pet-safe lawn products or a FieldTurf Landscape Installation. FieldTurf Landscape’s artificial grass for dogs, with its revolutionary drainage capabilities and its realistic look and feel, make it the number one choice for pet owners. Because of its unmatched artificial dog turf durability, FieldTurf Landscape has proven to stand up to the most challenging of pets. Its low maintenance features make keeping a beautiful, problem-free dog-safe lawn all year long easy.

Renowned dog behaviorist Cesar Millan recently endorsed FieldTurf Landscape as his “turf of choice” because of its unmatched, pet-friendly characteristics.

“Not only does FieldTurf Landscape look just like natural grass, but it also helps to eliminate common lawn problems associated with pets, like brown spots from urine, tracked-in mud, and grass clippings, and it can even deter your dog from digging holes,” Millan said. “Here at the Dog Psychology Center we have a lot of land to cover, so it’s important to me that our water-conserving landscape is easy to care for, safe for our pack, and has proper drainage.”

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