4 Common Myths About Artificial Grass Safety for Kids

June 18, 2024 FieldTurf Landscape
Many of us here at FieldTurf Landscape are parents like you and nothing is more important to us than our children's safety and well-being. So,...
How Safe is Artificial Grass for Children - fieldturf 3

Many of us here at FieldTurf Landscape are parents like you and nothing is more important to us than our children’s safety and well-being. So, when it comes to our backyards, we want to make the best choices to create a safe environment for play.  While natural grass is a traditional option, more and more families are upgrading their yard with artificial grass. However, there are still tons of misconceptions out there about artificial turf. We’re setting the record straight about four of the most common ones.

Myth 1: Artificial Grass Gets Too Hot for Safe Play

One concern parents sometimes have is that artificial grass will get excessively hot. Making it uncomfortable or even dangerous for little bare feet. On one hand, artificial turf gets a bit hotter than natural grass simply because there’s no moist soil under the fibers. But it’s way cooler than concrete, asphalt, and other traditional play area surfaces.

Myth 2: Synthetic Turf Is Abrasive and Causes Scrapes

Another common misconception is that falls on artificial grass will lead to more scrapes and cuts compared to natural grass. But in reality, high-quality turf like FieldTurf Landscape products provide superior cushioning that can actually reduce the risk of these injuries.

Our turf systems are installed with a specialized infill made of tiny sand and rubber granules, which provide a soft, springy surface. For an extra level of protection, a shock-absorbing pad can be installed underneath. This state-of-the-art foundation is proven to reduce impact and abrasions when falls do occur, helping prevent tears and cuts.

Myth 3: Artificial Grass Is Full of Harmful Chemicals

Some parents worry that artificial turf may contain harmful chemicals or VOCs that could pose a risk to children’s health. That may be possible with poor-quality turf, but not with our products here at FieldTurf Landscape.

We thoroughly test our materials to ensure they don’t contain any hazardous substances. We’d love to walk you through our process and safety certifications if you’re interested in the technical details.

And unlike natural grass, caring for artificial grass doesn’t require the use of pesticides or fertilizers that can leave harmful residues. 

Myth 4: Turf Harbors Bacteria and Germs

Finally, a prevalent myth is that artificial grass is less sanitary than natural grass and can harbor harmful bacteria. Again, this is definitely possible with low-quality turf and shoddy installation practices.

In contrast, the permeable backing of our products allow for excellent drainage, preventing the moist conditions bacteria and germs need to thrive. Synthetic lawns are also inhospitable to pests like fleas and ticks that can carry diseases. With a simple rinse, FieldTurf is easy to keep clean and hygienic for all your backyard adventures.

Learn More About Artificial Grass Safety

At FieldTurf Landscape, your children’s safety on our products is our top priority – that’s why we’ve put so much care and research into developing artificial grass with families in mind. 

With its superior cushioning, temperature control, hypoallergenic materials, and more, FieldTurf Landscape installations guarantee a play-friendly surface you and your kids will love.To learn more, message us today or call 866-352-4575. Our friendly team is always happy to answer your questions and connect you with an installation partner near you.

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