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Playground Turf Padding for Safer Artificial Grass Play Areas

July 22, 2024 FieldTurf Landscape
As parents and artificial grass experts, we at FieldTurf Landscape know that creating safe play spaces for kids is a top priority. That's where playground...
All About Playground Turf Padding for Artificial Grass - fieldturf landscape 3

As parents and artificial grass experts, we at FieldTurf Landscape know that creating safe play spaces for kids is a top priority. That’s where playground turf padding comes in – it’s the secret ingredient that turns a good play area into a safer one.

What Exactly Is Playground Turf Padding?

Think of playground turf padding as a shock-absorbing layer that sits right under your artificial grass. It’s like the suspension system in a car – you don’t see it, but you’d definitely notice if it wasn’t there. 

This padding is typically made from materials like foam or rubber, specially designed to absorb impact and provide a cushy surface for play.

The Big Benefits: More Than Just a Soft Landing

1. Fall Protection That Goes Above and Beyond

Playground turf padding dramatically increases what we call the “Critical Fall Height” (CFH). In plain English, that’s the highest point a child can fall from without getting seriously hurt.

Here’s the cool part:

Without padding, artificial grass typically has a CFH of about 3 feet.

Add our specialized padding, and suddenly you’re looking at CFHs of 6, 8, or even 10 feet!

This means you can install taller play equipment without losing sleep over safety. 

2. Comfort That Keeps Kids Playing Longer

Ever notice how kids seem to have boundless energy on soft surfaces? There’s a reason for that. Our playground turf padding doesn’t just protect from falls – it makes the whole play experience more comfortable.

Here’s what that means for playtime:

Less fatigue during active play

Reduced risk of minor bumps and bruises

A surface that feels natural and inviting

It’s the difference between playing on a cloud and playing on, well, the ground.

3. Drainage That Would Make a Plumber Proud

We’ve all seen those sad, soggy playgrounds after a rainstorm. With our turf padding, that’s a thing of the past. Here’s why:

The padding is perforated, allowing water to flow through quickly

It works with the artificial grass to create a system that drains faster than natural grass

This means less downtime after rain and fewer puddles for kids to splash in (sorry, kids).

When to Use Playground Turf Padding And When Not To

Playground turf padding is a must-have for:

Public playgrounds where safety standards are strict

School yards where recess is serious business

Daycare centers where little explorers roam free

Backyard play areas with swings, slides, or climbing equipment

Sports fields where falls are part of the game (looking at you, football and rugby)

But it’s not always necessary for:

Low-impact areas like putting greens

Purely decorative artificial grass installations

The Professional Touch: Why DIY Isn’t the Way to Go

Now, we know what you’re thinking – “Can’t I just roll out some foam and call it a day?” Trust us, when it comes to playground turf padding, professional installation is key. Here’s why:

We have access to commercial-grade materials that you can’t just pick up at the local hardware store

Proper installation ensures the padding performs as intended – no weak spots or uneven areas

We stay up-to-date on safety standards and local regulations, so you don’t have to worry about compliance

Think of it like this: you wouldn’t want an amateur installing your car’s airbags, right? The same goes for your playground’s safety features.

Choosing the Right Padding: It’s Not One-Size-Fits-All

Just like how every playground is unique, the perfect padding solution varies too. Here are some factors we consider:

The height of your play equipment (remember that Critical Fall Height we talked about?)

How many little feet will be running around (foot traffic affects durability needs)

Your local climate (extreme temperatures can affect some padding materials)

Your budget (we’ll work with you to find the best value for your investment)

We’ll walk you through these options to find the Goldilocks solution – not too hard, not too soft, but just right for your needs.

Keeping It In Top Shape: Maintenance Made Easy

One of the best things about playground turf padding? It’s almost as low-maintenance as your artificial grass. Here’s all you need to do:

Give it a visual check now and then for any signs of wear or damage

If you notice any shifting or unevenness, give us a call – we’ll set it straight

The padding typically lasts as long as your artificial grass, so you’ll only need to think about replacement when it’s time for a full turf upgrade

It’s like having a silent guardian for your playground that rarely needs attention but is always there doing its job.

Learn More About Artificial Grass

Investing in playground turf padding is about more than just ticking a safety box. It’s about:

Peace of mind knowing you’ve created the safest play environment possible

Extending the life of your artificial grass by providing a stable, shock-absorbing foundation

Enhancing the overall play experience, encouraging more active, confident play

Think of it as an insurance policy for your playground – one that pays off in safer, happier playtime every single day.

To learn more, give us a call at 866-352-4575 or drop us a message online. We’ll help you design a play area that’s the talk of the neighborhood – for all the right reasons.

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